Sunday, January 6, 2013

Stop Procrastinating, Get Doing!

Put that procrastination tendency at bay! When procrastination is at its toll its harder to break it away. Take control of yourself, tackle the " do it' list  today, that is if you have your "to do" list. Stop the habit of putting things  off until "tomorrow"
Below are steps to stop procrastination:

1. Take care of yourself - The least that you can do is to exercise, if your feeling sluggish take a brisk walk, stretch and most importantly stay hydrated. Take a bottle of water wherever you go.

2. Clean, clean, clean - Take the clutter away. If your work space is strayed with random junks,your focus will reflect the same clutter. Be organize, make it neat and tidy so when work come it will go smoothly.

3. Work with Others - Starting a business is not as easy as 1 2 3.... Good thing there are always people whom we can call for support like our families, friends and colleagues among others. Accept the fact that your schedule will not fit all things you want to accomplish. As you grow with your business you will need other people. Helping hand is all around, just ask.

4. Have a "to do" list - Write down all the things you wanted to accomplish, it will help your prioritize on what to do first and eventually makes your day productive.

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