Thursday, August 16, 2012


Parenting according to wikipidia is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the activity of raising a child rather than the biological relationship.
But for me parenting is a 24/7 job which means a tedious one. Thus a parent deserves a break just as  the best machine malfunctions for too much usage. As parent, your family as a whole depends and needs you, it is important that you keep yourself in good shape all the times.
 "Parenting burnout" associated with change in appetite, mood swings, and irritability is sometimes unavoidable. Our well-being is reflected on our children. Therefore allowing oneself to relax is not a selfish act.
Below are suggested ways for relaxation.

1. Slumber, sweetly - Catch up with your most needed rest. Take advantage of the time when your children  are resting. Rest as well. You may seek help from other member of the family to take good care of your kids a few minutes to get that uninterrupted shuteye in a comfy be. Have a sound sleep.

2. Constructive daydreaming - Your state of mind affect your body, this mental vacation can be quite restful. Engage all your sense with your imagination. Picture in your mind one place you have visited or wanted to visit. Revisit in your coffee break or in your sleepless nights beautiful places you have visited. Happy Trip!

3. Date yourself - Take time out, be with yourself once in a while. You can spent it to reading, listen to your favorite music, or surf the net. This will bring relaxation and introspection. Get in touch with your inner self. 

4. Go Out with Friends - Cheer up, a movie, swimming or even a chit chat with your pal will give you a break with your daily routine. Enjoy!

5.Exercise - Dance your exhaustion away. Exercise  recharges your system with your much needed energy.
6. Indulge -  Reward yourself for a job well done.  Buy that high heeled shoe you've been wanting. Treat yourself in a spa, have nails polished. You deserve these treats and small self pampering. Get convince, look at your children.

7. Play with your spouse - Nothing can beat the comfort of your partner's arms. Someone whom you can count on to face the day ahead. De stress with your partner, be intimate and be passionate. Lights off!

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