Sunday, August 12, 2012

How To Put Cash In Your Pocket

With today's difficult economy every one is aiming or thinking of ways on how to make extra cash. Even I myself wanted the same. I would admit I am more blessed compared with others but still I want more. I want more money, I want extra cash in my pocket, I want to be a money magnet! Is this GREED? NO, a big NO NO NO. I want extra cash because I want to help others in my own little way. You don't need to be someone to help other people. By just being me, myself or being yourself you can help others in need. How can you help other people if you don't have much or an extra? Today I am already earning extra money! Getting started was of course not easy but if you have the desire and drive then nothing is impossible. Below are tips on how to you can put extra cash in your pocket just like me.

1. Turn What You Know Into Dough! Let me borrow this word from Loral Langemeier my present client, America's Millionaire Maker. Make a list of your talents or skills, hobbies, interest, knowledge and experiences. brainstorm on how you can start a business or a part time job maybe that could put extra cash in your pocket. The point is make extra cash from something you are an expert. If you love to write then start from being a writer. Start your own blog, improve your skills, become an expert, continue to educate yourself, watch videos to hone your writing skills until such time that you are an expert on this field. Talking about something you are an expert is not bragging but is a way of putting cash in your pocket!

2. Emulate the Expert - This is a good way to copycat. Someone out there has done what you wanted to accomplish. Do your research and follow their successful ways. Learn from their mistakes and expand on their success.

3. Make it Simple - Do not over complicate things. People usually tune out when they see things going complicated.

4. Be Unique - People go for something distinctive. Focus on what makes you stand out. Be innovative. Personalize too.

5. Know What You Are Talking About - Be ready with a 30 seconds striking speech about your business. Opportunity is not an everyday thing. If opportunity comes, don't be shy to share your expertise. Establish your brand, you are your brand. 

6. Package Your Offers Differently - Have a generous offers when you offer your products or services. Your package could break or make a sale. An informative free eBook download is one example   you can package with your offers.

7. Make Your Branding Catchy! -  What do you want other people to think of when they see your name?   Would you want them to think of value, convenience or efficiency? If KFC is known for their ' so good' and MC Donald's for their "i'm Lovin' it'  for sure you too can have yours!

Are you ready to go? Check one my best extra program home>>>Lets Do The RAF 

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