Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gift Ideas for Moms

For some, the essence of woman is when she gave birth. But it’s not only about giving birth but motherhood. Motherhood is the most difficult thing I have ever experience and still is. It’s not like as easy as getting a doctoral degree or getting that Ms. Universe title. Motherhood is not about getting enrolled, memorizing, defending that thesis or having that tsunami or cobra walk. It is from womb to tomb as the saying goes.  Since Mother’s day is getting near, let’s give our moms that day extra special. Below are gift ideas for moms you can choose from.

1.       A day of relaxation – and because mom is always there whenever you need her, surprising her with a massage and spa treat is but sweet way of giving back for all that TLC she has been giving your family.

2.       Sweet Scent – as most mom are busy making your house a home it would be sweet  to give her a perfume, a gesture that you will always love that motherly scent she have.

3.       Go Green – moms are our source of life, giving her a beautiful bonsai or a fortune plant will give her a relief for the busy day she always had.

4.       A bar of chocolates – as much as kids love chocolates and so moms are, for this day let her indulge and let that chocolates melt in her mouth.

5.       Scenery at home – a painting that details moms love would be great for her as it will remind her unfailing love for that place you call home sweet home.

6.       Goody basket – a basket of goodies is simple yet also perfect gift for moms, prepare it yourself, add in that basket her favorite food, foods are enjoyed best when shared with loved ones, this will not only benefits your moms stomach but also yours.

7.       Hair Rebond – a hair make-over would make your mom reminded how beautiful she is as an individual, a nail art would complete that treat – let that caring hands be pampered!

8.       Yoga DVD – remind mom that above all she needs to take care of herself first, give her that gorgeous yoga wear and mat that would be the envy of other moms out there.

9.       Mom’s Card – if you have the hand of painter, paint your love for her, the more it is personalize and customized the more that it will be appealing to her.

10.   Flower, Flower - a bouquet of flower is not just for lovers but for moms too. Moms are like flowers, when showered with water they bloom and are most beautiful.

True, that above all material things it is also love that you can give your mom but why not make your mom’s day extra special with the above mentioned gift ideas for moms.

Monday, April 22, 2013

How to Stay Healthy and Fit

Women play a vital role not only in the home but also in our society in general. Women should recognize the unique dualistic capabilities they have. It should be that in order to care for others, you need to take good care of yourself. There are different healthy tips for women; all you need to do is take time to care for yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. Below are practical healthy tips for women, be determined, you can do them.

1.         Start slow - be realistic and smart, a healthy diet does not happen overnight. Start with small things like having a vegetable salad to your diet or use an sesame oil when cooking instead of using butter. Make these small changes a habit, and look forward for a total change to a healthier you.

2.       Nourish your bones – as women age, they become prone to bone density loss. Avoid eating too much animal protein as they are acidic which forces our body to deplete calcium reserves as buffer.

3.       Iron your body – of course I don’t mean it literally! It is crucial among women to have that recommended iron especially for those who are pregnant or has been pregnant. If you feel the following symptoms: sensitivity to colds, fatigue, headache and depression then it’s time for you to indulge in plant based diet full of iron-rich foods. Good sources are leafy greens, chard, kale, spinach, lentils, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and navy beans.

4.       Start a healthy habit – be very specific, make your intentions clear, for instance go on a nine-block brisk walk every morning instead of exercise more often.

5.       Check your breast regularly – protect yourself against breast cancer. This healthy tip for women is very common yet it is sad to note that many women died for breast cancer. Feel your body regularly to recognize sudden changes.

6.       Get your orgasm – this may sound funny but mind you this healthy tip for women is one of the few free things you can avail and enjoy. Orgasm release hormones that boost emotional well-being and immune system and may even extend life.

7.       Plan your future - young women are mostly healthy in their current situation. The problem arises as where their lifestyle will lead them as they age. Invest now, make the change now, live a healthy lifestyle and more importantly eat to nourish your body.

8.       Be happy – avoid a person who makes you feel miserable. If your relationship is a huge head-ache, drop that bad boy!

9.       Be smart – Sharpen your mind, read something exciting, do a puzzle and make it a habit to read only happy thoughts.

10.   Buy yourself a shoes – go on platform heels, stilettos put too much pressure on the balls of your feet which may lead to bunions- not a healthy one.

The universe was never complete without the existence of a woman; the healthy tips for women above could be helpful so that the woman species on earth will remained in existence throughout time.

Healthy Eating Tips

The key to healthy eating is balance, variety and moderation. This means eating a wide variety of foods without too much calorie intake and too much nutrients. Varied healthy eating tips are all over the net but these healthy eating tips detailed below allows you to enjoy the foods you love without over eating.

1.       Eat in variety – good health requires more than 40 different nutrients in which no single food can supply them all. This healthy eating tip number one means including whole grain products, fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, poultry and other protein foods in your diet.
2.       Eat in moderation – it is easy to eat the foods you want and stay healthy if you just eat a reasonable portion of it, for instance three ounces of cooked meat and one medium size of fruit.
3.       Eat on time – avoid overeating, do not skip meals for it will only lead to out-of-control hunger. When you are very hungry you tend to forget about good nutrition.
4.       Be aware of your diet pitfalls – do not underestimate this healthy eating tip, it is a must that you know first what is wrong with your eating habit before you can improve it. If you add to much butter or creamy sauces, rather than eliminating them, just minimize it at first.
5.       It’s how you eat- eating healthy is not only about the food in your plate but also about how you think about the food. Think your food as nourishment of your body and not just as something to gulp down.
6.       Rainbow of fruits and vegetables – fruits and vegetables are foundation of a healthy diet, they are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber which is needed by our body.
7.       Indulge on healthy fats –nourish your brain, heart, cells and your hair with healthy fat. Food rich in omega-3 are important and are believed to reduce cardiovascular disease, improves mood and helps prevent dementia.
8.       Avoid unhealthy carbs – unhealthy carbs such as white flour, refined sugar and white rice do not have much, fiber and nutrients, these foods digest quickly and cause spikes in blood sugar level and energy.
9.       Avoid sugary foods – be aware of the disguise term for sugar in food label such as maple sugar, corn syrup, molasses, dextrose, glucose, maltose, or sucrose among others. A 12 ounces of soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar in it which is more than the daily recommended limit.
10.   Hydrate your body – this healthy eating tip number 10 is often the most neglected part of healthy eating habit. Drinking eight glasses of water a day does not only helps proper digestion but your free ticket to losing weight. Drinking a glass of water before meal and sipping every after much will make you feel full without depriving yourself with that food you think you cannot live without!
The above mentioned healthy eating tips are just few of the many tips you can read on different blogs but if followed will help you become healthy and something that you will be proud of to model.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

What Really Motivate's People?

...and who said money is not one of the BEST motivator for any great result...?