Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rose May

Reminisce I do, T'was 10 years ago when God gave you
Mixed emotion I felt when I open my eyes and saw you
Time flew fast and so you grew......
With flying colors you're ready to go....

Onward you go!
Carefree you pave the way
Learning came your way
Reading and counting came so easy

Soaring, you let the eagle  fly in you
Refusing to be average, you let your heart soar high as  it will
With so much fun because friends and love are just around....
With your feet on the ground, you continue to climb up and be on top.

Eager! You continually rise every morning
With the spirit you had known in your childhood
That spirit of eagerness...
Shove your way to a greater success!

Motivated, you keep your dreams alive
Set yourself  a goal, think of the future
Making certain of what you want from moment to moment
To the crossroads, you felt cool

Alive and kicking, had seen things and said why
Dreamed things that never were and said why not?
With so much hope, braver, stronger and smarter than before
Right things will have just to come overflowing

You may not be perfect to anybody
To us, you will always be
A little girl who always makes us happy 
We love  You Rose May

With So Much Love......................


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

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7 Words To Inspire Your Children

Growing a child is one of the most challenging roles a parent has to play. It does not stop on giving the right education but more importantly growing him the best of himself.
Communication is one key to growing a responsible child. In growing the best possible version of your child, the right choice of words and phrases is crucial. Common words and phrases no matter how well-intended can be emotionally and psychologically damaging. Young brains are still developing in their teen years. Do not expect your kids to process words, context, and nuance as the adult brains.
Some parents may think that what they say to their children seems harmless or even constructive on the surface, but, to experts, they hurt than help.

Her are seven common phrases and their alternative that will help build character and get your message across in a better way.
1. You say "You are the best!" They hear "You're job in life is to make me happy." Better say it "You should be proud of your hard work."
According to Social Psychologist Carol Dweck, PhD who tested the effects of over praise on 400 Year Five students in Columbia University, kids praised for "trying hard" did better on tests and were likely to take on difficult assignments than those lauded for being "smart."
"Praising attributes or abilities makes a false promise that success will come to you because you have that trait, and it devalues effort, so children are afraid to take on challenges", says Dweck. "They figure they'd better quit while ahead."
Too much praise can back fire. Talk the overall effort of your child than besting all her classmates in English, in this way he won't think that you only love him when he got the highest score or achieve the most.

2. You say "We can't afford that!" They hear "Money is the answer to everything."
Better say it "The store is filled with great things today, but we've lost at home already and we've not going to bring home anything more."

You want your children to have the sense of abundance until the age of five-not in material way, but in the sense that what you do have brings joy", says Marcy Axness, PhD, a child development specialist and founder of
Inculcate in your little ones mind that money is not the source of all things good in life. Be very careful in saying how he can't have something because you can't afford it. Better sit-down and worked out together that he can have it by saving a small part from his allowance.

3. You say "Don't worry - it'll be OK!" They hear "You're such a drama queen!"
Better say it "I totally understand what you must have gone through. Tell me about it"

Kids need to learn how to express feelings, work through them and move on, as opposed to trying to make them go away without expression," says Panaccione. If children feel that they shouldn't have feelings or that their feelings are bad, they'll start to lock them inside and fail to adopt healthy coping strategies, she says. It's natural for parents to console a disappointed child for not winning a medal in a declamation contest. Give him the nudge they need to deal with situations on their own by asking questions "Why do you think this happened?", "Do you have any ideas about what you can do to make it better?" You can give comfort by listening than by talking. Don't resonate with your child's mood.
4. You say "Don't talk to strangers." They hear "Anyone you don't know is trying to hurt you." Better say it "Don't talk to people who make you feel uncomfortable."
One cannot stop his child to talk to the bus driver in paying for his fare nor to a pharmacist when buying a medicine. There were cases wherein children are victimized by people they know well. Thus it makes sense to tell children not to talk to anyone, acquaintance, or stranger, who makes them feel uncomfortable.
5. You say "Make sure you share." They hear "Give away your stuff." Better say it "Rose would you like to play with your doll for a while, but it's still yours and she will give it back."
"Young kids don't distinguish clearly between themselves and the objects they own or cherish, like their teddy bear or favorite toy train," says psychologist David Elkind, PhD. So in effect you're asking them to give away part of themselves."
Don't force your child to relinquish ownership. You may label your child's toy with his name before prying it out of his hands.

6. You say "Why did you failed in your test, why did you hit your sister, etc.?" They hear "You messed up again." Better say it "My guess is that you failed because you did not study, but that's still not OK."
Don’t be a directive in disguise by saying "Don't you think you should put on your jacket so you won't feel cold", this approach may solve short term headache but creates a long term problem. Don't shame your child into confession. When your child "messed up" take this as an opportunity to start a productive dialog.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Sevivon, Sov, Sov, Sov

My husband uploaded another video of our first born yesterday after quite sometime. We just realized that her piece above has already reached 9000 hits in youtube and still counting. Out of curiosity I open the link once more to confirm the said number of hits. I watched it one more time. As I was watching the video I couldn't resist  to reminisce starting from the moment I had this young lady in my tummy. All the "firsts"  experiences I have as a mother. With the circumstances that she is battling now,  I don't know if it is fair or even make sense to anyone but all I want is turned back time to this very moment where she looked so innocent, very obedient, simply playing the piece without even thinking it will reach 9000 hits and just ended  it with a smile. A genuine smile that is. As a mom seeing a genuine smile in her face is an assurance that she is okay, she is fine, all is well and that there is nothing to be worried about.

But life is not turning back, it is moving forward. As time passed by we are happy she is coping and heading forward. Life is a paradox and that there are circumstances beyond our control. The most important thing was that we were able to erase in her mind all the negative things and feelings that disturbed her a lot. 

As we move forward, I know her dad will capture another vivid and pleasant smile and will be excited to upload it as much as I am willing to relate a story of that captured moment. We don't know when that be but with a strong belief and with a burning desire we, as a family, believe it will happen with the help of God Almighty.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Stop Procrastinating, Get Doing!

Put that procrastination tendency at bay! When procrastination is at its toll its harder to break it away. Take control of yourself, tackle the " do it' list  today, that is if you have your "to do" list. Stop the habit of putting things  off until "tomorrow"
Below are steps to stop procrastination:

1. Take care of yourself - The least that you can do is to exercise, if your feeling sluggish take a brisk walk, stretch and most importantly stay hydrated. Take a bottle of water wherever you go.

2. Clean, clean, clean - Take the clutter away. If your work space is strayed with random junks,your focus will reflect the same clutter. Be organize, make it neat and tidy so when work come it will go smoothly.

3. Work with Others - Starting a business is not as easy as 1 2 3.... Good thing there are always people whom we can call for support like our families, friends and colleagues among others. Accept the fact that your schedule will not fit all things you want to accomplish. As you grow with your business you will need other people. Helping hand is all around, just ask.

4. Have a "to do" list - Write down all the things you wanted to accomplish, it will help your prioritize on what to do first and eventually makes your day productive.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

12 Ways to Reduce Wrinkles

1. Keep away from the sun – The sun is the No. 1 cause of wrinkles, with dozens of studies documenting the impact. It was found out that sun exposure was even more important than heredity. People who limited sun time had fewer wrinkles and looked younger overall than those sun-worshiping others.

2. Put on sunscreen - If you must go out in the sun, wear sunscreen! It will protect you from skin cancer, and help prevent wrinkles at the same time. 

3. Never smoke - Research and more studies are confirming that cigarette smoke ages skin - mostly by releasing an enzyme that breaks down collagen and elastin, an important components of the skin. A person who smoked tended to have skin that was more wrinkled and up to 40% thinner than the non-smoker.

4. Sleep enough – If you don't get enough sleep, the body produces excess cortisol, a hormone that breaks down skin cells. Getting enough rest, helps produce more HGH (human growth hormone), which helps skin remain thick, more "elastic," and less likely to wrinkle. 

5. Sleep on your back - Sleeping in certain positions night after night leads to sleep lines - wrinkles that become etched into the surface of the skin and don't disappear once you are up. Sleeping on your side increases wrinkles on cheeks and chin, while sleeping face-down gives you a furrowed brow. To reduce wrinkle formation, it is recommended you sleep on your back. 

6. Never squint - use reading glasses! Any repetitive facial movement like squinting overworks facial muscles, forming a groove beneath the skin's surface. This groove eventually becomes a wrinkle. It is also important to wear sunglasses. It will protect skin around the eyes from sun damage and further keep you from squinting. 

7. Eat salmon fish – Eat more cold-water fish which is a great source of protein. Protein is one of the building blocks of great skin and is also an awesome source of an essential fatty acid known as omega-3. Essential fatty acids help nourish skin and keep it plump and youthful, helping to reduce wrinkles.

8. Incorporate soy in your diet - research shows certain properties of soy may help protect or heal some of the sun's photo aging damage. On one research, it was reported that a soy-based supplement with ingredients. including fish protein and extracts from white tea, grapeseed, and tomato, as well as several vitamins  improve skin's structure and firmness. 

9. Drink cocoa instead of coffee. In a study in 2006, researchers found cocoa containing high levels of two dietary flavanols (epicatchin and catechin) protected skin from sun damage, improved circulation to skin cells, affected hydration, and made the skin look and feel smoother.

10. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich with antioxidant compounds. These compounds fight damage caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage cells, which in turn helps skin look younger and more radiant, and protects against some effects of photo aging. 

11. Moisturize – Women sometime are so concerned with anti aging products that they often overlook the power of a simple moisturizer. Skin that is moist simply looks better, so lines and creases are far less noticeable. 

12. Be gentle in washing your face - According to dermatologists, tap water strips skin of its natural barrier oils and moisture that protect against wrinkles. Wash them off too often, and you wash away protection. Moreover, unless your soap contains moisturizers, you should use a cleanser instead.