Friday, August 31, 2012

The Truth about Fad diet

Fad diet is defined as a weight loss plan which usually promises a dramatic result and is considered not healthy. Typically these diets do not result in a long-term weight loss. Below are few lists of fad diets.

Controlled Carbohydrate
·        Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution
·        The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet
·        Protein Power
·        Sugar Busters
·        The Zone
High Carbohydrate/Low Fat
·        Dr. Dean Ornish: Eat More, Weigh Less
·        The Good Carbohydrate Revolution
·        The Pritikin Principle
Controlled Portion Sizes
·        Dr. Shapiro's Picture Perfect Weight Loss
·        Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan
Liquid Diets
·        Cambridge Diet
·        Slim-Fast
Food Combining
·        Fit for Life
·        Suzanne Somers' Somersizing
Diet Pills/Herbal Remedies
·        Dexatrim Natural
·        Hydroxycut
·        Metabolife 356

What’s the risk of fad diets?

Ketosis - Fad diet is considered an unbalance diet; it eliminates or minimizes carbohydrates in your diet which synthesizes or creates fat in your body. Carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose which is then transported around the body and is particularly important in fuelling brain functions. A low carb diets may increase your risk of ketosis. Ketosis is a condition in which your body breaks down fat for energy. A little carbohydrate in the diet may result to the liver to convert fats into fatty acid and ketone bodies. These ketone bodies pass into the brain and replaces glucose as an energy source. An elevated level of ketone bodies in the blood may result to fruity smelling breath, loss of consciousness and worst coma. According to the research conducted at Dartmouth Medical School and published in the "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences" in 2005 discovered that people on the Atkins diet burn fat as fuel, develop ketosis.

Kidney trouble – The production of uric acid and calcium oxalate, substances associated with kidney stones and gout usually increases with low-carbohydrate and high protein diets.  This fact is confirmed by the research at the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Chicago and published in the "American Journal of Kidney Diseases" in 2002 which says that consumption of a low-carbohydrate high protein diet in six weeks can increase risk of kidney stones. Further low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets increases urinary calcium and decreases calcium level in the body leading to increased risk of bone loss.

Gain on Weight – Contrary to your objective fad diets let you gain weight. Due to low adherence, fad diets may help you lose weight but will not help you sustain the lost weight for long.  Research by scientists at Tufts-New England Medical Center and published in the "Journal of the American Medical Association" in 2005 evaluated the effects of weight loss on four popular diets and found that at the end of one year, participants who adhered to the respective diet lost an average of 2.1 kilograms on the Atkins diet, 3.0 kg on the Weight Watchers diet, 3.2 kg on the Zone diet, and 3.3 kg on the Ornish diet. Among those who began each diet, 50 percent completed the Ornish diet, 53 percent completed the Atkins diet, and 65 percent completed the Zone or the Weight Watchers diets.

Malnutrition – Women on fad diets is most likely to increase risk on vitamin and mineral deficiencies as well as lack of nutrients.  Due to restriction on the amount of food intakes, women maybe vulnerable to insufficient calcium and iron needed for bones and red blood cells.

According to American Heart Association the following are possible risks posed by fad diets.
·        Nutritional deficiencies caused by a lack of a balanced diet.
·        Lack of physical activity from emphasis on diet only can increase the risk of heart disease.
·        Lack of variety in foods can cause boredom and frustration, and make it difficult to maintain the diet for more than a brief period.
·        Severe restrictions on the foods you can eat may make it difficult to establish and maintain a healthy diet in the future.
·        Many quick weight-loss diets are based on unfounded claims that may do more harm than good.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Interesting Facts about Women

Below are some fascinating facts about the neurochemical make-up of women and how it impacts her behavior. Here are some of the interesting nuggets:

1. The neurochemical make-up of women dictates whether or not they will be faithful. There is a gene that codes for a particular kind of vasopressin receptor in the brain, which comes in seventeen different lengths. Males with longest gene variation are the most reliable and trustworthy partners. Therefore, this is the only size that matters when seeking a long-term mate.

2. The female brain is nature’s default setting. From conception until eight weeks, the fetal brain has the circuitry pathways of the female brain. After eight weeks, a huge testosterone surge makes this unisex brain male by killing off some of the cells in the communication centers and growing the areas dedicated to sex and aggression.

3. Women are not prone to fidelity any more than men are. Women are subconsciously looking for the men with the best genes to father their children. Symmetrical features are a signal of good genes, and therefore women are drawn to men with more symmetrical structures. When a woman is single, she is looking for men that can help her raise and protect her family. Once the home is established, the biological need to sneak around with men who have the best genes still persists.

4. Mommies fall “in love” with their babies. Research has shown that tender nurturing and breast-feeding that a mother experiences with her child releases bursts of dopamine, the reward and pleasure chemical, just as it does in romantic love.

5. No cold feet. In order for a woman to have an orgasm during sex, her amygdala, the center for fear and anxiety must be turned off. Women need to be comfortable and have their feet warm before they feel like having sex.

6. The switch from the giddy intensity of romance to the calmer, less passionate long-term relationship state is nature’s way of decreasing a couple’s focus on each other so that they can care for a new child.

7. The female brain is much more adept at reading subtle facial and verbal emotional expressions. Men, on the other hand, cannot read emotions—it’s only when they see actual tears that they realize that something is wrong. This is why women have evolved to cry four times more than men do, to signal distress that men cannot ignore.

8. Love hurts—literally. Romantic rejection triggers the same circuits in the brain, as physical pain.

9. Menopause has the result of the “mommy brain” getting unwired. At about the age of forty-three, the female brain changes to become less sensitive to estrogen and oxytocin, the “tending” neurochemicals, and women are less inclined to nurture, connect, or establish connections like they did in their prior years. This kind of change usually baffles everyone around them.

10. Women are only half as likely to be gay as men. An estimated 5-10 percent of the female population is estimated to have same-sex attraction, but the female brain is only half as likely to be wired for same sex attraction as the male brain.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Taking the Weight off and Keeping it Off

Here are few principles and suggestions in identifying good, effective eating habits to effective weight lose.

·         Slowly, lose fat permanently. A good result to losing two pounds a week is through reducing your calorie intake by 3,500 to 7000 calories a week.
·         Make a change in your eating. There are many ways to do this, first, eliminate snacking, sweet intake should be reduce to once a week, drinking large amount of water instead of fruit juice,sodas,and punch. Fried foods can triple your caloric intake. Instead eat baked, broiled or boiled foods.
·         Establish an exercise routine. Brisk walk, jog or jumping rope every morning.
·         Eat a balance diet like vegetables, fresh fruits and whole grains. Make sure to eat variety of foods and your dietary goal should be a realistic one.
·         Watch out your eating behavior. Find an alternative to eating or snacking whenever you are down.
·         Be patient. It takes less time to gain weight but it takes longer time to take it off.
·         Seek God's help. God is always willing to give us both strength and wisdom so present your request of losing weight to Him. Depend on Him.
Losing weight is no easy task but is achievable. Take off that excess fat and keep it off.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Web Presence - Its importance

If you are an internet marketer then you have a website for sure! A website is one of the most important pieces of any business's web presence. Your website is your hub. It is where people will go if they wanted to connect to you. Thus creating a website requires a good deal of thought; where a plan to what information you want on your site, layout - the look your site will look like, and of course consider how you will connect each piece together.
Here are four elements of a successful web presence that can help ensure that your first impression is a good one.
What are your GOALS?
1. Remember your reason for building a website is for your online presence. In here you should include the following: business information, your specialization, and of course a way to reach you.
2.  Make your business stand out! You can do this by having a blog that portrays your thoughts, feelings, tips and insights. A blog that is updated daily. Also it will help clients, friends, consumers understand your business.
3. Capture Potential Leads using your website.  Grow your site with a community of customers and potential consumers. Connect with potential consumers and continue marketing with them.
A. Your website
Begin to explore specific elements of a strong website with your goals carefully laid out.
Your homepage- Keep your customer at the start! A good homepage should answer the queries "What do you do?" and "Why should I trust you?" Let your homepage help your visitor decide in a split of second to stay and learn more about you.
An "About" page - Enforce furthered trust factor here. Make an impact and impress your customers/ partners or followers by explaining exactly what your company does, in-depth. Let them know who you are, why you do what you do and what makes you special.
 Finally, a "Contact" page. Make sure to outline your address, phone number, email address, and other means to contact you.
The three pages discussed above is just a basic online presence. T o set your business apart from everyone else, create a blog, this is the best way.
B. Your Blog
Blog - use this to update news or content section of your site. Your blog is important for it shows that you know what you are talking about. Identify yourself here as an expert or unique. Update it to give your readers a reason to come back to your site. Consumers eventually become savvier and will search for information. Give them information how to use your products, interesting things people are doing and on how you help their life easier.
A site with information and a blog that is growing is equal to site traffic and lead capture.
C. Newsletter
Start building leads from your website's visitors.
Write actual newsletter and format it. You may use Aweber to handle your personal newsletter signups and delivery.
Email marketing is one of the many effective ways to generate sales. Go to your customer through your email campaign; keep your consumers special by keeping them up to date on your new products or changes.
D. Social Media accounts
Capture leads using social media. Connect with your core community using Face book and Twitter. You can have this strategy to work by making your blog serve as a central hub. Integrate a Face book Fan page; consider also a "Follow Me on Twitter" button. Let these two elements help you turn a one-time reader into a connected consumer.
Are you using the right elements to maximize your website effectiveness?

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Parenting according to wikipidia is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the activity of raising a child rather than the biological relationship.
But for me parenting is a 24/7 job which means a tedious one. Thus a parent deserves a break just as  the best machine malfunctions for too much usage. As parent, your family as a whole depends and needs you, it is important that you keep yourself in good shape all the times.
 "Parenting burnout" associated with change in appetite, mood swings, and irritability is sometimes unavoidable. Our well-being is reflected on our children. Therefore allowing oneself to relax is not a selfish act.
Below are suggested ways for relaxation.

1. Slumber, sweetly - Catch up with your most needed rest. Take advantage of the time when your children  are resting. Rest as well. You may seek help from other member of the family to take good care of your kids a few minutes to get that uninterrupted shuteye in a comfy be. Have a sound sleep.

2. Constructive daydreaming - Your state of mind affect your body, this mental vacation can be quite restful. Engage all your sense with your imagination. Picture in your mind one place you have visited or wanted to visit. Revisit in your coffee break or in your sleepless nights beautiful places you have visited. Happy Trip!

3. Date yourself - Take time out, be with yourself once in a while. You can spent it to reading, listen to your favorite music, or surf the net. This will bring relaxation and introspection. Get in touch with your inner self. 

4. Go Out with Friends - Cheer up, a movie, swimming or even a chit chat with your pal will give you a break with your daily routine. Enjoy!

5.Exercise - Dance your exhaustion away. Exercise  recharges your system with your much needed energy.
6. Indulge -  Reward yourself for a job well done.  Buy that high heeled shoe you've been wanting. Treat yourself in a spa, have nails polished. You deserve these treats and small self pampering. Get convince, look at your children.

7. Play with your spouse - Nothing can beat the comfort of your partner's arms. Someone whom you can count on to face the day ahead. De stress with your partner, be intimate and be passionate. Lights off!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Be an Entrepreneur

Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Let’s find out!
An entrepreneur could be someone who is willing to accept some sort of risk usually in the financial aspect in quest of new ventures. Most often the word is used in business context to any person organizing a new project or opportunity. Entrepreneurs are innovative, independent, optimistic, creative and hardworking people.
Entrepreneurs are creative destructionists of products and services. They innovate by using new methods whether on productions and organizations but at the same time they work to tear down existing companies by developing new products or services making older variation outdated and immaterial.
One common characteristic of entrepreneurs is to risk. This simply means that he is able to determine how much risk is appropriate for particular business dealing. Financial risk is one common risk an entrepreneur face. They may also face social risk specifically if their innovations challenge the norms of the society and psychological risk as their families’ peace mind may be affected by their works.
Additional characteristics of many entrepreneurs include spontaneous creativity and a willingness to make decisions in the absence of solid data. He or she may be driven by a need to create something new or build something tangible. As new enterprises have low success rates, a person in this role must also have considerable persistence. He or she may have the greatest chance of success by focusing on a market niche either too small or too new to have been dominated by established businesses.
                I often hear and read “I want to fire my boss”, I want freedom, more time with my family” If you are one these people then be an entrepreneur! This one major benefit you will gain if you have the above mentioned qualities.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Female Brain- The Developmental Stages of Her Brain

The female brain is a "fabulous learning machine" that governs her life from birth to birthing and beyond. 

Here are just a few of her recent findings about what makes the female brain unique, as well as some of the fascinating changes that occur in her brain over the course of her life.

Birth of the female brain
  • Up until eight weeks, every brain is female. In males, a huge testosterone surge hits and kills cells off in the communication center, and grows more cells in the sex and aggression centers.
  • In females, huge amounts of estrogen spur brain growth and enhance circuits and centers for observation, communication, gut feelings and caring.

The teen girl brain

  • During puberty, a girl's primary purpose (from a biological standpoint) is to become sexually desirable and attractive.
  • Girls speak two to three times more words per day than boys do and they also talk faster. Through talking the pleasure centers in a girl's brain is activated.

The mommy brain

  • The brain shrinks during pregnancy—it does not lose cells but changes metabolism and restructures. Then in the final one to two weeks, the brain begins to increase in size again and construct maternal circuits. It does not return to its former size until about six months after giving birth.

The mature female brain

  • The "mommy brain" unplugs.
  • Menopause means the end of the hormones that have boosted communication circuits, emotion circuits, the drive to tend and care, and the urge to avoid conflict at all costs.
  • More than 65 percent of divorces after the age of 50 are initiated by women. This attributed to something called "post-menopausal zest." Women during this stage wanted their turn, they want to go and do stuff that they're passionate about and step out in a more independent way—they don't want to be taking care of everybody else.

Sex and emotions

  • Female sexual turn-on begins with a brain turn-off: Orgasms can only be triggered when the amygdala (the fear and anxiety center) is turned off. "It requires turning off the worrywart circuits in the female brain to have an orgasm.

  • For women, foreplay is everything that happens in the 24 hours before intercourse. "She needs to feel comfortable and loving towards her partner and everything in the relationship is alright, thus reducing that amygdala's activation that something is dangerous or fearful.

  • Women have evolved to cry four times more easily than men. "The silent treatment is not a way, women, to get his attention," Dr. Brizendine says. "Crying is a way to get his attention that something is wrong and upsetting you."

Monday, August 13, 2012

Leadership in Business

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of every country and the driving force in the economy. Tons of people are becoming millionaires very, very quickly, because they are making money through entrepreneurial ventures. Become an entrepreneur. Learn to make money as fast as you can, and put that money to work buying assets. Buying assets will make you a millionaire in three to five years. Turn what you know into dough. Start building your cash machine with skills you are an expert. Everybody could be an entrepreneur. Awaken the entrepreneurial spirit in you.  

Below are advice for up and coming entrepreneurs: 

  • Get input from people who are more successful. They should not wait to start up the business. More often than not, somebody is already doing what you want to do. Learn from their mistakes and expand on their success. Be resilient, understand that at times you've got to run with a great idea and other times you've got to move on from a bad one. 
  • Market your business. Enter the market. Establish an internet presence, people today are willing to buy and pay online. Start a conversation, talk to people, and convey a message so you will always be ahead of the game. Get out there and start playing. Do not complicate things; in fact the simplest ideas are some of the best ones. The point is use the most effective ways of marketing to increase sales. 
  • Do less, make more. Ask for help if you are finding it hard to fit it all in. Avoid the mistakes of many entrepreneurs spending too long getting everything perfectly set. The trick is simple, do more of what you are skilled. 
  • Take action. Entrepreneurs are doers. Action is the only way to success.

Ready to go? Start your first step here>>> Earn Extra $$$ here.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

How To Put Cash In Your Pocket

With today's difficult economy every one is aiming or thinking of ways on how to make extra cash. Even I myself wanted the same. I would admit I am more blessed compared with others but still I want more. I want more money, I want extra cash in my pocket, I want to be a money magnet! Is this GREED? NO, a big NO NO NO. I want extra cash because I want to help others in my own little way. You don't need to be someone to help other people. By just being me, myself or being yourself you can help others in need. How can you help other people if you don't have much or an extra? Today I am already earning extra money! Getting started was of course not easy but if you have the desire and drive then nothing is impossible. Below are tips on how to you can put extra cash in your pocket just like me.

1. Turn What You Know Into Dough! Let me borrow this word from Loral Langemeier my present client, America's Millionaire Maker. Make a list of your talents or skills, hobbies, interest, knowledge and experiences. brainstorm on how you can start a business or a part time job maybe that could put extra cash in your pocket. The point is make extra cash from something you are an expert. If you love to write then start from being a writer. Start your own blog, improve your skills, become an expert, continue to educate yourself, watch videos to hone your writing skills until such time that you are an expert on this field. Talking about something you are an expert is not bragging but is a way of putting cash in your pocket!

2. Emulate the Expert - This is a good way to copycat. Someone out there has done what you wanted to accomplish. Do your research and follow their successful ways. Learn from their mistakes and expand on their success.

3. Make it Simple - Do not over complicate things. People usually tune out when they see things going complicated.

4. Be Unique - People go for something distinctive. Focus on what makes you stand out. Be innovative. Personalize too.

5. Know What You Are Talking About - Be ready with a 30 seconds striking speech about your business. Opportunity is not an everyday thing. If opportunity comes, don't be shy to share your expertise. Establish your brand, you are your brand. 

6. Package Your Offers Differently - Have a generous offers when you offer your products or services. Your package could break or make a sale. An informative free eBook download is one example   you can package with your offers.

7. Make Your Branding Catchy! -  What do you want other people to think of when they see your name?   Would you want them to think of value, convenience or efficiency? If KFC is known for their ' so good' and MC Donald's for their "i'm Lovin' it'  for sure you too can have yours!

Are you ready to go? Check one my best extra program home>>>Lets Do The RAF